Literature & Research

Dr. Peter Levine has written a wide range of books on trauma in English, which we present below with links.

More and more research is being done on the effect of SE™ on our physiology but also on our emotions and experiences. See the titles below with links.

List of books and research papers

In Greek

In English

Videos, blogs and podcasts

Psychology today: Somatic Experiencing How Trauma Can Be Overcome


Frontiers in Neuroscience

Winblad NE, Changaris M and Stein PK (2018): Effect of Somatic Experiencing Resiliency-Based Trauma Treatment Training on Quality of Life and Psychological Health as Potential Markers of Resilience in Treating Professionals. Front. Neurosci. 12:70. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00070

Journal of Trauma Stress

Somatic Experiencing for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Outcome Study.

J Trauma Stress. 2017 Jun;30(3):304-312. doi: 10.1002/jts.22189. Epub 2017 Jun 6.

University of Montana

Secondary trauma in the workplace: Tools for awareness, self-care and organisational responses in Montana

Authors: Erin Clements, Colter Ellis, Kelly E. Knight, Richard McLane, Katharine Osterloth, Christina Powell, Anna Saverud, Alanna Sherstad, Amy Katherine Talcott, Kelsen Young

With contributions by Dr. Floyd Fantelli, Dr. Abi Blakeslee, and Robyn Morrison

Frontiers in Neuroscience

Payne P, Levine PA and Crane-Godreau MA (2015) : Somatic experiencing: using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy. Front. Psychol. 6:93. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00093

Frontiers of Neuroscience

Briggs PC, Hayes S and Changaris M (2018): Somatic Experiencing® Informed Therapeutic Group for the Care and Treatment of Biopsychosocial Effects upon a Gender Diverse Identity. Front. Psychiatry 9:53. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00053

International Journal of Group Psychotherapy

Peter J. Taylor Ph.D., SEP, CGP, FAGPA, & Roger Saint-Laurent Psy.D., SEP, CGP (2017). Group Psychotherapy Informed by the Principles of Somatic Experiencing: Moving Beyond Trauma to Embodied Relationship, International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 67:sup1, S171-S181.

International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy

Toddler Trauma: Somatic Experiencing, Attachment and the Neurophysiology of Dyadic Completion. Joseph P Riordan SEP, MAPS; Abi Blakeslee SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D, Peter A Levine Ph.D.